Vancouver Mural Festival Unleased & Residency Program

Vancouver Mural Festival Unleased & Residency Program

For Vancouver’s local artists, finding studio and exhibition spaces can be a challenge. The VMF Unleased project examines ways to transform underused commercial properties into temporary artist spaces, particularly for emerging and BIPOC artists.

Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood House

Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood House

Prior to the redevelopment and relocation of the Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood House (DTES NH), Hessey completed a functional program. Hessey was then hired on as the Project Manager to guide the project through all subsequent phases.

Activate Downtown Eastside

Activate Downtown Eastside

In 2021, the City of Vancouver DTES Planning Team engaged a consultant team convened by Hessey to address access to affordable goods, services, and inclusive spaces in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) through the creation of an innovative funding program. 

Activate DTES & The Flats (2019)

Activate DTES & The Flats (2019)

Access to industrial space continues to be a significant priority in Vancouver in order to provide a diversity of employment opportunities, cultivate inclusive economic development, strengthen overall economic resilience, supply a range of employment opportunities, and support the circular economy. 

VanMap | Toolbox Pt. 1

VanMap | Toolbox Pt. 1

We’re excited to launch a new series from Hessey Consulting + Architecture called our SME Toolbox! The toolbox is designed for small & medium enterprises to learn about different tips and resources for navigating Vancouver’s space and real estate landscape.